Monthly Archives: March 2020

Coronavirus update

This year, like previous ones, the PMIDayz goal is to surpass the previous year’s conference and we are under the impression that, especially with the Balkan Project Leadership Summit, we are well on the way to making it so. But, there are always some but, unfortunately, this year, it’s not us who decides how things are going and whether we would have to postpone the conference 🙁

To know in due course what will happen to the conference, we have set a few dates when we hope to know more. We hope we’ll able to give more accurate information if the conference may need to be postponed, which of course is not our wish.
The first date is April 14, when we hope to know more about how the Coronavirus pandemic develops and whether we can have a conference.
If the situation is still not clear, the next date is April 28, and the final date is May 8, when, if not earlier, we will make a final decision.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones, stay healthy and we will hang out when the pandemic is over!

Yours sincerely,
BPLS/PMIDayz team

Ove godine, kao i svake prethodne do sada, cilj je nadmašiti prethodnu konferenciju i imamo dojam da smo, pogotovo uz Balkan Project Leadership Summit, na dobrom putu da to tako i bude. Ali, uvijek ima neki ali, ove godine, na žalost, nismo mi ti koji odlučuju kako će se stvari odvijati i da li ćemo konferenciju morati odgoditi 🙁

Kako bi u dogledno vrijeme znali što će biti sa konferencijom, odredili smo nekoliko datuma kada se nadamo da ćemo znati više i moći dati točnije informacije da li će se konferencija možda morati odgoditi, što nam naravno nije želja.
Prvi datum je 14. travnja kada ćemo, nadamo se znati više kako se pandemija Corona virusa razvija i možemo li održati konferenciju.
Ukoliko situacija i dalje ne bude jasna, slijedeći datum je 28. travnja i finalni datum je 8. svibnja u kojem ćemo, ukoliko to ne bude moguće ranije, donijeti finalnu odluku.

Čuvajte sebe i vaše bližnje, ostanite zdravi i družimo se kad pandemija prođe!

Srdačno vaši,
BPLS/PMIDayz team

Balkan Project Leadership Summit hosted by PMIDayz

This year, from 22nd to 24th May 2020 2nd to 4th October 2020, PMIDayz will host the Balkan Project Leadership Summit, which brings together participants from the region – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia and of course Croatia.

The theme of the conference is “Between Poker and Chess“. We want to bring to our minds the everyday life of project managers who are constantly struggling with the lack of resources, short deadlines, additional requirements, team motivation… and often make decisions that depend on the cards that will only later be drawn from a set of future events. They do this responsibly and thoughtfully, making sure that they always have a winning position, so that in the case of good cards the effect is as great as possible, and in the case of bad ones, the possible damage is as small as possible.

We have three pre-conference training sessions this year. Scrum Escape Room run by Nikola Ilic, Product Owner and Certified Agile Humans Trainer; The Unpredictable Factor Z, held by Borna Lulic, a man who has been educating in the public and corporate sectors for 19 years; and How to Choose and Use the Right Methodology for Your Project, directed by Nenad Trajkovski, awarded several times as the best lecturer at regional conferences.

The language of the pre-conference sessions will be Croatian / Serbian, while the conference will be bilingual (English) with the simultaneous translation available.  

Take advantage of early bird sign-up, with a 20% discount on all packages. Apply by April 10th August 31st through our website or direct Entrio link and get your PDU points early bird price!

PMI chapter members get an additional 20% off!

Ove godine, 22. do 24.05.2020 2. do 4.10.2020, PMIDayzi će biti domaćin Balkan Project Leadership Summitu koji okuplja sudionike iz regije – Bosne i Hercegovine, Bugarske, Makedonije, Rumunjske, Slovenije, Srbije i naravno Hrvatske. 

Tema konferencije je “Između pokera i šaha”. Njome  želimo ukazati na svakodnevnicu voditelja projekata koji se u svom poslu konstantno bore sa manjkom resursa, kratkim rokovima, dodatnim zahtjevima, motivacijom tima … i često donose odluke koje ovise o kartama koje će tek naknadno izvući iz skupa  budućih događaja. Sve to rade odgovorno i promišljeno, pazeći da uvijek imaju dobitnu poziciju, kako bi u slučaju dobrih karata efekt bio što veći, a u slučaju loših – moguća šteta bila  što manja.

Ove godine imamo tri pretkonferencijska treninga. Scrum Escape Room koji vodi Nikola Ilić,  Product Owner i Certified Agile Humans Trainer; Nepredvidivi Faktor Z, koji drži Borna Lulić, čovjek koji već 19 godina drži edukacije u obrazovnom, javnom i korporativnom sektoru; te Kako odabrati i koristiti ispravnu metodologiju za svoj projekt, u režiji Nenada Trajkovskog, nekoliko puta nagrađivanog kao najbolji predavač na regionalnim konferencijama. 

Pretkonferencijski trennzi biti će na hrvatskom / srpskom, dok će konferencija biti dvojezična (engleski) s dostupnim simultanim prijevodom.

Iskoristite mogućnost early bird prijave, uz popust od 20% za sve pakete. Prijavite se do 10. travnja 31. kolovoza, putem naše web stranice ili direktnog Entrio linka i osigurajte svojim PDU bodovima early bird cijenu!

Članovi PMI chaptera imaju dodatni popust od 20%!